Your Life

Good advice arises from a good understanding of your circumstances, objectives and concerns.    The time you invest with us, in compiling this picture will pay dividends.

If you would like to consider matters before engaging with us, you can use one of these typical profiles and modify it to more closely reflect your own situation.


Young Single Person

Young Couple

Married Couple with Teenage Children

Married Couple with Adult Children


Your priority can be getting through college, without accumulating too much debt. You may also want to travel during college;

During this time, you’ll generally have no dependents and limited source of income.
Your priorities may be;


Young Single Person

You may want to live life, travel, develop your career, and possibly have a family. Your priorities might be;

Young Couple

You may want to buy your first home, put money away for a rainy day, start a family, or possibly get married.
Your priorities might be;

Married Couple with Teenage Children

In addition to all your normal bills

On the horizon are;

Your priorities may be;

Married Couple with Adult Children

You’ve spent two, or three decades focused on children, perhaps paid for a wedding or two, and the end of your mortgage may be in sight.
You are starting to enjoy, or possibly looking forward to enjoying some “disposable income”.
Your retirement used to be far away, but now seems to close for comfort.
Your priorities may be;